Nature Walk Peel: Meerbaansblaak Yellow

Nature Walk Peel: Meerbaansblaak Yellow
Startlocatie: Moostdijk 15
6035 RB
Nature Walk Peel: Meerbaansblaak Yellow

Walking/hiking routes

Length of route: 2 km. The Peel is as Dutch as it gets. Yet this area on the border of North Brabant and Limburg is hard to compare with other parts of our country.

The only way to explore the Peel is with your walking shoes on. Although some parts of the area are still quite swampy, the Peel is generally passable because of the many trails. The Meerbaansblaakroute leads you along old Peel tracks, past a bird-watching hut, an apiary and a location where you can see what the soil looks like after peat has been cut away.

Route: <5 km.
Route from A to A
Marked route


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

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